
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Brother

That one creature... Who always irritates me...! Who always teases me...! Who always steals things from me...! But he is the one, Who always loves me...! Who always care for me...! Who always stands behind me...! No matter, He is elder or younger, Tall or short, Handsome or fluffy, Intelligent or idiot, Famous or one among hundreds. He is still MY brother.


Don’t force anyone to Change for you, Change for them if You deserve them.


People call them as Members of Parliament But They're not so... Only for name not for working They care for their fame Not for people. They fight for movies Not for poverty This is real INDIA.


Yes! I’m adamant      But give off when I wish I’m arrogant but      I become tender when needed.   I’m stout and rough, with       Beauty in heart.   I know what I’m doing       And the result is mine.   I don’t want to change...       But surroundings try to change me   I’m sure I won’t because,      I’m the real me The predominant women.