
Showing posts from September, 2018

Power of thoughts

Thoughts have a power;    Power creates impact; Impact makes us work;   Work changes as hard work; Hard work reaches        the destiny…


Insult determines dream;   Dream determines action; Action determines destiny;   Destiny determines the “ success”

Miracle of time

Everyone has pain    In the heart; The pain is vanished by,    Miracle of time.


Woman is the one who     Really cares; Woman is the one who     Loves all; Woman is the one who     Tolerate the pain; Woman is the one who Sacrifice all;     Liberate world, by          “Liberate her”.


Everyone says love is pleasure    But it is false - It hurts me when I saw you    Because you’ll depart once; I wished to freeze the time    It never last long; Then I realized that You are with me    As my shadow in day And my dreams in night;


Humanity creates care,    Care creates word; Words make sentence,    Sentence turn as love; Love transmutes into motivation     And motivation changes one’s life Motivate with humanity without “ Expectation ”.


I like you, because   You don’t have color, I honor you, because    You don’t have community, I respect you because    You don’t have partiality, I love you because    You unite all of us;


Grandparents gives their          “Knowledge” Sister shares her          “Things” Brother saves us in          “Conflict” Father guides in the right          “Way” and “Mother” gives all           Of these.

Who is everything?.....

Without a friend we     Loss “something” Without a mother we     Loss “many things” Without a teacher we     Are “nothing.;.....

My partner

I don’t need you   Throughout my life; I just want you   When I lost myself; I, Feel that I am living,    By the people around me But,but..I feel, I am alive, By you in my    Breathe blood and beat;

Role of a mom

A mother plays a role as     A“teacher” A mother plays a role as     A “doctor” A mother plays a role as     A “girlfriend” Even she plays a role as     A "father" But, No one can play a role of     A “Mother” Other than her.